#Nintendo switch thief simulator full#
Review: Saint's Row: The Third - The Full Package.Review: Lovecraft's Untold Stories [Nintendo Switc.Review: Sniper Elite V2 Remastered [Nintendo Switc.

Review: Project Nimbus - Complete Edition [Nintend.Review: Hungry Baby - Party Treats [Nintendo Switc.Review: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons [Nintendo Sw.Just everything is janky and last-last gen in appearance and mechanics.The need to position your pin, let go of the stick, see whether it opens, let the lock turn all the way back, and then reposition and try again is cumbersome and awful If you’re going to crib lockpicking from Skyrim have it work sensibly.Streamlining to isolate the excitement would at least make things more tolerable Far too much time wasted on loading screens and unnecessary/unexciting activities like driving your car, or mechanically walking around your base.Solution? Look inconspicuous parking it in people's yards. Maybe you like the tension of hoping you didn't park your car in a way that blocks traffic.There really aren’t any experiences like it on the system.The control is weird and sloppy, the tension in the game takes a back seat to aggravation more often than not, and far too much time is wasted on performing worthless intermediary tasks like opening car doors, starting the car, and taking a jank-ass drive out of the area.

I don’t doubt the hook of the experience may be enough to convince people to stick with it but overall this feels like a last (or maybe even earlier) gen effort at best not just in presentation but mechanics as well. Give the early footage from the game a look, calling the experience rough around the edges would be generous. OK, so Thief Simulator… yeah, it’s a bit of a mess.